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Upgrade to v7

This guide explains how to upgrade from Material UI v6 to v7.

Start using the alpha release

In the package.json file, change the package version from latest to next.

-"@mui/material": "latest",
+"@mui/material": "next",

Using next ensures your project always uses the latest v7 pre-releases. Alternatively, you can also target and fix it to a specific version, for example, 7.0.0-alpha.0.

Breaking changes

Since v7 is a new major release, it contains some changes that affect the public API. The steps you need to take to migrate from Material UI v6 to v7 are described below.

Package layout

The package layout has been updated to use the Node.js exports field. This brings several changes:

Deep imports with more than one level are no longer allowed. For example:

- import createTheme from '@mui/material/styles/createTheme';
+ import { createTheme } from '@mui/material/styles';

This was never officially supported, but now it will be restricted by bundlers and runtimes.

To use the modern bundle (which excludes legacy browser support for smaller bundle size), you'll need to configure your bundler to use the "mui-modern" exports condition:

// webpack.config.js
  resolve: {
    conditionNames: ['mui-modern', '...'],

// vite.config.js
  resolve: {
    conditions: ['mui-modern', 'module', 'browser', 'development|production']

If you were using a Vite alias to force ESM imports for the icons package, you should remove it as it's no longer necessary:

 // vite.config.js
   resolve: {
     alias: [
-      {
-        find: /^@mui\/icons-material\/(.*)/,
-        replacement: "@mui/icons-material/esm/$1",
-      },

Grid and Grid2 renamed

The deprecated Grid component has been renamed to GridLegacy. The Grid2 component has been moved to the Grid namespace. Depending on your project, you may follow one of the following approaches:

  1. If you are using the deprecated grid and wish to upgrade, run the following codemod:

    npx @mui/codemod@next v7.0.0/grid-props <path/to/folder>

    See the Grid upgrade guide for more information.

  2. If you are using the deprecated grid and wish to continue using it, update the Grid references as follows:

     // imports
    -import Grid, { gridClasses, GridProps } from '@mui/material/Grid';
    +import Grid, { gridLegacyClasses, GridLegacyProps } from '@mui/material/GridLegacy';
    -import { Grid } from '@mui/material';
    +import { GridLegacy as Grid } from '@mui/material';
     // theme
     const theme = createTheme({
       components: {
    -    MuiGrid: {
    +    MuiGridLegacy: {
           // ...
     // CSS classes
  3. If you are using Grid2, update the Grid2 references as follows:

     // imports
    -import Grid, { grid2Classes as gridClasses, Grid2Props as GridProps } from '@mui/material/Grid2';
    +import Grid, { gridClasses, GridProps } from '@mui/material/Grid';
    -import { Grid2 as Grid } from '@mui/material';
    +import { Grid } from '@mui/material';
     // theme
     const theme = createTheme({
       components: {
    -    MuiGrid2: {
    +    MuiGrid: {
           // ...
     // CSS classes

Hidden and PigmentHidden components removed

The deprecated Hidden and PigmentHidden components have been removed.

Use the sx prop to replace implementation="css":

-<Hidden implementation="css" xlUp><Paper /></Hidden>
+<Paper sx={{ display: { xl: 'none', xs: 'block' } }} />
-<Hidden implementation="css" mdDown><Paper /></Hidden>
+<Paper sx={{ display: { xs: 'none', md: 'block' } }} />

Use the useMediaQuery hook to replace implementation="js":

-<Hidden implementation="js" xlUp><Paper /></Hidden>
+const hidden = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('xl'));
+return hidden ? null : <Paper />;

Lab components moved to the main package

The following @mui/lab components and hook have been moved to @mui/material:

  • Alert
  • AlertTitle
  • Autocomplete
  • AvatarGroup
  • Pagination
  • PaginationItem
  • Rating
  • Skeleton
  • SpeedDial
  • SpeedDialAction
  • SpeedDialIcon
  • ToggleButton
  • ToggleButtonGroup
  • usePagination

To keep using these components and hook, import them from @mui/material instead of @mui/lab.

-import Alert from '@mui/lab/Alert';
+import Alert from '@mui/material/Alert';

-import { Alert } from '@mui/lab';
+import { Alert } from '@mui/material';

Use this codemod to automatically update the imports:

npx @mui/codemod@next v7.0.0/lab-removed-components <path/to/folder>


The size prop for InputLabel now follows the standard naming convention used across other components like Button and TextField. 'normal' has been replaced with 'medium' for consistency.

If you were using size="normal", update it to size="medium":

-<InputLabel size="normal">Label</InputLabel>
+<InputLabel size="medium">Label</InputLabel>

The default behavior remains unchanged, so no updates are needed unless you explicitly set size="normal".

Use this codemod to automatically update the size value:

npx @mui/codemod@next v7.0.0/input-label-size-normal-medium <path/to/folder>

Removal of data-testid prop from SvgIcon

The default data-testid prop has been removed from the icons in @mui/icons-material in production bundles. This change ensures that the data-testid prop is only defined where needed, reducing the potential for naming clashes and removing unnecessary properties in production.